Online course Relaxation Massage

Curious how you can give a wonderful relaxing massage?

Learn how to give a wonderful relaxation massage, not only lovely to receive but also to give!

All basic concepts and techniques of massage are discussed in this educational home study.

When you have completed this home study Relaxation massage of these massage techniques, you can give a lovely relaxing massage!

thuisstudie masseren

    Not just great for yourself, but also for your family members and friends!

    •   Choice and use of massage oil.
    •   Giving a complete relaxation massage.
    •   Effleurage; the first stroking movements to spread the massage oil over the body     and relax the body.
    •   Petrissage (kneading); a massage grip that mainly affects the muscles and blood   vessels.
    •   Recognizing contraindications; when is massage responsible or not?

Access to the member portal!

Immediately after registration  you will receive the login codes to access the online Home study massage techniques for relaxation massage. 

The entire course is explained here on clear video material

So you can view the entire massage at all times.

The syllabus can be downloaded & printed here.

An investment you, your family, friends and clients will enjoy for a lifetime!

You are going to develop a different side of yourself!

This home study massage techniques for relaxation massage is ideal if you want to learn all the necessary techniques to give a good massage. When you are interested in a qualitatively high-level massage course, then you have come to the right place!

Here you can follow an online massage course, where in the first place, you learn all massage techniques, but also learn to let your personal touch and feelings channel through so that you as a masseur, will be unique.

What Is Included In This Online Course Relaxation Massage?


  •   Work book, syllabus in the form of an E-Book
  •   Video material: follow the complete massage step by step, all you need is an internet connection
  •   You can receive your digital Certificate as proof of participation for €7,50

Enjoy relaxed massaging by using your senses and getting out of your head for a while!

A high-quality home study massage techniques

The home study also includes login codes which can be used during the course to view all videos regarding relaxation massage of the whole body.
In addition, you can download the syllabus which includes an explanation of all techniques. Besides this, the contraindications are outlined, so you know when to give and when not to give a massage.
 You can log in at any time of the day and determine your own study hours.

We offer an online massage course of high level, which is easy to follow for anyone interested in the massage course.

Therefore, no prior education is required and all ages are very welcome. Of course the massage course is not just about learning the necessary techniques, it also involves theory.


I took several courses with Maddy and they were all great. Definitely going to continue.
 The atmosphere is good, everything is well cared for, everyone receives a lot of attention


The learning material is easily applicable and there is a pleasant learning environment. Also plenty of opportunities for your personal development.

And you, as a person, are also taken into account

Have completed the training as a massage therapist. Just great, clear explanation, fun and experienced trainers.
 Definitely worth it

Online course massage


  •   Skills you will not forget
  •   Knowledge no one can take away from you
  •   Earn money without feeling like you have to work for it
  •   With different video's you learn how to give  a lovely massage.
  •   In the workbook the entire massage is outlined once more and you can download and print it.
  •   So you don't have to leave the house but can start right away!

Online course Relaxation massage

An investment you, your family and friends will

enjoy for a lifetime!

Now for just € 97,-